Monday 9 May 2011

Have you ever read...

Motherless Daughters, The Legacy of Loss by Hope Edelman?

For any women who has lost her mother and who has looked for comfort and understanding, here is a brave and powerful book of experience and insight.
Hope Edelman is also the author of Motherless Mothers, Letters from Motherless Daughters and Mother of My Mother. Visit Hope's site for other relevant books

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cheryl, I couldn't believe it when I saw you mention Hope Edelman's book. I luckily found this 15 years ago when my mum died and took such comfort in their pages. I've referred back to them over the years and was relieved to feel so understood by hearing my thoughts and feeling reflected back in Hope's words. Highly recommend it to other people who have lost their mum. Congrats on preparing this blog, fantastic idea which I'm sure will touch many people! Alecia xx



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